One of the biggest and most ancient celebrations still thriving in Ibiza today is St John's day. And at the heart of the action as always, is the beautiful village of San Juan.
From 9pm this evening, the village will be laying on its usual extravaganza of music concerts, firework displays, dancing, market stalls and merriment!
But the highlight of the evening is without a doubt the dramatic, traditional fire jumping ceremony.
At the stroke of midnight, 9 small bonfires are lit, an excited queue forms and the leaps of faith begin! Why? It's said to bring good luck, dear reader. It is often followed by eager participants then racing to the nearest beach and taking three steps into the water to make a wish. It's a tradition that goes back thousands of years into the mists of time.
In an ancient purification ritual, you're encouraged to throw either something old into the fire, or to write those things that you would like to change about your life on a piece of paper before tossing it into the flames. And who can't think of a few of those!
This summer solstice feast marking the longest day of the year coincides, as so many ancient pagan festivals do, with the more recent, Christian celebration of St John's day. Read more about that in our previous article right here.
A classic night out for the whole family, we recommend getting there early - the village usually gets rammed!
If you're based in the south and don't fancy trekking all the way to the north, then you can see the Ibiza orchestra perform down at Talamanca beach at 10pm. The council have even laid on free shuttle buses from Vara del Rey in Ibiza Town from 9.30pm to get you there easily.
To the west, you can go to the tiny village of Santa Agnes for a similar programme to San Juan but starting even earlier at 7.30pm with fun and games for the young ‘uns too!
To the east, get yourselves over to Figueretas for yet another party zone beginning at 9pm till 2.30am and featuring DJs, live music and a fabulous firework display at midnight.